Information Technology Solutions that empower your business, support your mission and drive you into the future
> Client sends a general description of the concept
> 30-minute Q&A meeting to refine the description and get a clear picture
> One-page report suggesting a platform to use for implementation
190 $
IDEA stage (A) Proof of Concept: Tech assessment to suggest a platform to use
All in “Basic”, plus:
> Pros and cons analysis of 3 platforms possible to use for implementation
> Q&A meeting to discuss the assessment report after it is done
> Assessment report comparing three platforms and suggesting the best option
> 30-minute Q&A meeting to discuss the report
490 $
All in “Standard”, plus:
> General technical investigation of similar solutions (up to 3) on the market: what they use for the front-end and back-end, how services are integrated, etc.
> Outlining an algorithm to build the solution
> Detailed assessment report with an algorithm to build the solution
> 60-minute Q&A meeting to discuss the report and algorithm
990 $
> Client provides what they currently have with a description of desirable MVP (Minimal Viable Product) features
> General assessment of their current solution and prototypes
> 30-minute Q&A meeting to get a clear picture
> Preparing a report outlining the process to build MVP
> Detailed report with a description of the MVP implementation
> 30-minute Q&A meeting to discuss the report
990 $
IDEA stage (B) 1st MVP: Tech analysis and description of the implementation
All in “Basic”, plus:
> General code review
> Current infrastructure analysis
> Detailed report with a description of the MVP implementation
> 60-minute Q&A meeting to discuss the report, code review results and the infrastructure analysis
1,900 $
All in “Standard”, plus:
> Detailed code review
> Functional testing of current solution
> Detailed report with a description of the MVP implementation
> 90-minute Q&A meeting to discuss the report, code, infrastructure analysis and functional testing results
4,900 $
> Client provides what they currently have with a description of the main features to have in the 2nd MVP / Product
> 60-minute Q&A meeting to get a clear picture
> Preparing a short (3-5 pages) solution architecture plan
> General solution architecture plan outlined
4,900 $
IDEA Stage (С) 2nd MVP / Product: Solution Architecture & Scope of Work
All in “Basic”, plus:
> General code review and analysis of their current solution and infrastructure
> Preparing a general assessment report (3-5 pages) and a solution architecture plan + technical scope of work outlining the process to build the 2nd MVP / Product
> General assessment report
> Solution architecture and technical scope of work
9,900 $
All in “Standard”, plus:
> Detailed code review and analysis of their current solution to compile a report on the architecture, modules, APIs, connections and integrations
> Preparing a detailed assessment report (7-10 pages), a detailed solution architecture plan with a scope of work (both technical and organisational) - with roles, milestones, project schedule, inclusions/exclusions and detailed functionality descriptions.
> Detailed assessment report
> Detailed solution architecture and scope of work (both technical and organisational)
19,900 $